About the Colloquium
The Colloquium is the foremost gathering of the most influential people in healthcare transformation. Gain insights on critical business solutions from leaders across the health ecosystem and discover new approaches on the leading edge of innovation.

Billy Oglesby, PhD, MBA, MSPH
Humana Dean, Jefferson College of Population Health
Co Chairs

Rebecca Adkins, MHA
Senior Vice President of Population Health, Jefferson Health

Trish Henwood, MD
Executive Vice President, James D & Mary Jo Danella Chief Quality Officer, Jefferson Health

Keith Leaphart, DO, MBA
Enterprise Executive Vice President & Humana Chief Health Equity Officer, Jefferson Health

David B. Nash, MD, MBA
Founding Dean Emeritus, Jefferson College of Population Health

Click here and register by February 14, 2025 for special early bird registration discounts.
Click here for the Colloquium Agenda-at-a-Glance.
Click here to make a presentation proposal.

Nancy Beran, MD, MHCDS, FACP
Vice President, Chief Quality Officer for Ambulatory, Northwell Health; Chief Medical Officer, Westchester Health Medical, PC

Josh M. Berlin, JD
Chief Executive Officer, rule of three, LLC; Editorial Board, Population Health Management Journal

Mary Jo Cagle, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Cone Health; Former Chief Medical Officer, Bon Secours Health System

Rodrigo Cerdá, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Health Services and Chief Medical Officer, Independence Blue Cross

Lisa Davis, MHA
Director and Outreach Associate Professor of Health Policy and Administration, Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health

Omar Lateef, DO
President and CEO, Rush University System for Health and Rush University Medical Center

Tom Lawry
Managing Director, Second Century Tech LLC; Former National Director for Artificial Intelligence, Health and Life Sciences, Microsoft

Marcella Nunez-Smith, MD, MHS
Associate Dean, Health Equity Research & CNH Long Professor of Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine; Former Chair, Presidential Health Equity Task Force

Stephen Parodi, MD
Executive Vice President, The Permanente Medical Group, The Permanente Federation

Brent Pawlecki, MD
Chief Health Officer, Wells Fargo

Jerry Penso, MD, MBA
President and Chief Executive Officer, American Medical Group Association; Former Medical Director, Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group

Laurel Pickering, MPH
President and Chief Executive Officer, St Louis Area Business Health Coalition

Jaewon Ryu, MD, JD
Chief Executive Officer, Risant Health; Former President & CEO, Geisinger; Former President, Integrated Care Delivery, Humana

Craig Samitt, MD, MBA
Managing Director, ITO Advisors; Former President & CEO, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota

Audrea Juny Simpson
Head of Health Equity, Customer Engagement, Genentech

Christopher Stanley, MD, MBA
President, Populance; Former Chief Population Health Officer, Sutter Health

Kara Odom Walker, MD, MPH
Executive Vice President and Chief Population Health Officer, Nemours Children’s Health; Former Secretary, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services

Grayling Dwayne Yarbrough, MHA
Vice President, Population Health, Sentara Healthcare; Former Executive Director, Strategy and Development Carle Foundation Hospital