Call for Poster Presentations
The 2023 Population Health Colloquium invites you to propose a poster presentation for exhibition on Monday, September 18 from 5-7pm in Philadelphia. Up to 20 presenters will have an opportunity to share their work during a special Networking Reception.
Posters should represent the outcome of a project in the following areas:
- Innovation in Population Health Delivery
- Potential Impact of a Project on Populations
- Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health
Proposal Decision Notification: July 28, 2023
Presenter Confirmation of Attendance: August 15, 2023
To apply for consideration, please complete the form by clicking here.
Questions? Contact or
Candidates whose posters are selected will receive free registration to the conference. They will be responsible for their own travel and hotel arrangements, and for bringing one poster (dimensions to be provided) to hang and present.
Flash talks of each accepted poster will be recorded and made available to online attendees.
Candidates whose submission is not selected will receive a special discounted registration for the conference.
Flash talks of each accepted poster will be recorded and made available to online attendees.
Candidates whose submission is not selected will receive a special discounted registration for the conference.
Posters will be evaluated with the following rubric:
Grabs viewers’ attention, extremely well organized and easy to follow, includes graphics and visuals to enhance presentation, word content well balanced.
Attracts viewers’ attention, well-organized and easy to follow, graphics and visuals are included, word content does not detract from presentation.
Easily approached, organized with content that can be followed, with some graphics or visual components, word content could be reduced.
Viewable with some effort, content can be followed with some effort, may not include graphics or visual components, overly wordy.
Fails to capture viewers’ attention, difficult to follow content, with no graphics or visual components, word content makes poster difficult to navigate.
Title/Problem unify content, very easily understood and followed, components follow in logical sequence, no unnecessary detail, conclusion very well supported by content.
Title/Problem support content which is easily understood, components follow sequentially, limited unnecessary detail, conclusion well supported by content.
Title/Problem relate adequately to understandable content, some unnecessary detail may be included, components support the conclusion.
Title/Problem may not adequately relay content, which may take effort to understand. Unnecessary details included, conclusion not fully supported by content.
Title/Problem not connected to content, which is difficult to understand. Many unnecessary or irrelevant details. Conclusion not supported by content.
Presentation represents significant potential impact to population health. Viewers may be inspired to adopt similar programs.
Presentation has potential to impact population health. Viewers may consider similar projects in their own institutions.
Presentation may benefit population health. Viewers give thought to possible benefit of the project.
Presentation not clearly of benefit to population health. Viewers uncertain whether project could be of value.
Presentation unlikely to beneficially impact population health. Viewers leave without interest in consider a similar project.