Go to Agenda:
Sunday Night Telehealth Program | Preconferences / Day 1 | Day 2 | Camden Coalition Postconference
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
7:00 a.m. |
Registration Opens
7:00 a.m. |
Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall
8:00 a.m.
Jeffrey Brenner, MD
Founder and Executive Director, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, Camden, NJ (Co Chair)
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
8:30 a.m.
Rapid Validation Techniques for High Impact Innovation
Roy M. Rosin
Chief Innovation Officer, Penn Medicine, Center for Health Care Innovation, Philadelphia, PA
Speaker Bio
Roy Rosin is Chief Innovation Officer at Penn Medicine, working to rapidly design, test and implement high impact health care delivery practices.
Previously, Roy served as the first Vice President of Innovation for Intuit, a leading software company best known for Quicken and TurboTax. In this role, he led changes in how Intuit managed new business creation, allowing teams to experiment quickly at low cost. Roy built innovation programs that dramatically increased entrepreneurial activity and accelerated time to market and growth. After five years of Intuit's new approach, the company delivered shareholder returns 33x those of the S&P 500. Intuit now consistently appears on Forbes' list of the most innovative companies in the world.
Prior to his innovation leadership position, Roy was General Manager for Intuit's consumer division. His team achieved record profitability and product leadership while growing Quicken's user base to 14 million consumers.
Roy received his MBA from Stanford and graduated with honors from Harvard College.
9:15 a.m.
The Brain Chemistry of High Utilization
Robert Corey Waller, MD
Medical Director, Center for Integrative Medicine, Spectrum Health, Grand Rapids, MI
Speaker Bio
R. Corey Waller MD, MS is an addiction, pain, and emergency medicine specialist in Grand Rapids, MI. He works within the Spectrum Health system, a fully integrated health system with 11 hospitals and over 1000 employed physicians. He is the Medical Director of the Spectrum Health Medical Group Center for Integrative Medicine, the Medical Staff Chief of Pain Medicine to the Spectrum Health Hospital System, as well as SUD Medical Director at Lakeshore Regional Partners (Community Mental Health-Region 3). Dr. Waller earned a Master's of Science in neuromolecular biology at Southwest Texas State University and earned his Medical Degree at the University of Texas Medical School in San Antonio. Dr. Waller completed his Emergency Medicine residency at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.
Dr. Waller's special interests include understanding the biopsychosocial and financial impact of high cost complex patients, pregnant patients with a substance use disorder, and the complex interaction of pain and addiction.
10:00 a.m. |
10:15 a.m.
Ending Homelessness: How Research, Policy and Practice Are Working Together to Drive Progress
Dennis Culhane, PhD
Director of Research for the National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans and Professor of Social Welfare Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Speaker Bio
Dennis Culhane is the Dana and Andrew Stone Professor of Social Policy at the School of Social Policy and Practice at The University of Pennsylvania, a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Population Studies, and the Director of Research for the National Center on Homelessness among Veterans at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Culhane is a nationally recognized social science researcher with primary expertise in the field of homelessness. He is a leader in the integration of administrative data for research and directs the Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy initiative, a MacArthur-funded project to promote the development of integrated database systems by state and local governments for policy analysis and systems reform. His homelessness work has positioned him as an early innovator in the use of administrative data for research and policy analysis, particularly for populations and program impacts which are difficult to assess and track. Culhane's work has resulted in federal legislation requiring all cities and states to develop administrative data systems for tracking homeless services in order to receive HUD funding. His work has also been instrumental in a national shift in how cities address chronic homelessness and family homelessness. Culhane's recent research includes studies of the aging homeless population and vulnerable youth and young adults, including those transitioning from foster care, juvenile justice, and residential treatment services.
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
11:00 a.m.
Health Leaders Panel: What Does the Future Hold?
Michael Dermer
Chief Incentive Officer, Welltok, Denver, CO
Speaker Bio
Michael Dermer is the Chief Incentive Officer of Welltok. Prior to his current role, Michael was the founder and CEO of IncentOne, the first company that in 2003 identified incentives in healthcare as a critical solution to driving consumer and provider engagement. Michael is considered one of the nation's experts on rewards and incentives in healthcare –learned in running over 4,000 programs and 40 million transactions over ten years. His personal mission is a national reward program in which all Americans can "be healthy and be rewarded." Since 2003, he has been guiding health plans, employers, health systems, governments and providers in how to use incentives to deliver cost reductions and health improvement.
Ray Fabius, MD, FAAP, FACPE
Co-Founder and President, HealthNEXT, Principal, Ab3Health LLC, Newtown Square, PA
Speaker Bio
Raymond J. Fabius, MD, CPE, FACPE is Co-Founder and President of HealthNEXT – a company dedicated to building corporate cultures of health and solving the root causes for the escalating health care costs experienced by large and mid-sized employers. Previously he served as Chief Medical Officer of Truven Health Analytics formerly the Healthcare business of Thomson Reuters. He was responsible for thought leadership, business strategy, client relations, and clinical direction. Dr. Fabius also served as Strategic Adviser for Walgreens Health & Wellness assisting them in their approach to population health.
Dr. Fabius spent the first decade of his career building a primary care practice that grew to be the largest provider of pediatric services in the county.
Dr. Fabius is a faculty member of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the new School of Population Health at Thomas Jefferson University and the American College of Physician Executives where he is recognized as a Distinguished Fellow. He is the author of three books on population health – the latest one is a graduate school textbook published with David Nash, MD and his faculty entitled Population Health: Creating Cultures of Wellness.
Drew A. Harris, DPM, MPH
Program Director, Masters of Health Policy, Jefferson School of Population Health, Philadelphia, PA
Speaker Bio
Dr. Drew Harris is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Health Policy and Population Health programs at the Thomas Jefferson University School of Population Health (JSPH) in Philadelphia, PA. His academic interest is the complex interplay between public health, medical care and public policy. At JSPH, he lead the team developing the MS in Population Health program and teaches the Population Health and Health Policy core courses.
Dr. Harris is a health policy researcher exploring the impact of vaccine mandate policy on New Jersey vaccination rates. He founded the NJ Public Health Institute and served on the Executive Board of the American Public Health Association. He is an active public health advocate who testifies regularly on health policy issues. Through his op-eds and essays in the Philadelphia Inquirer Field Clinic blog, Wall Street Journal's Experts Panel and other publications, he informs the public by telling the stories behind the health research.
Robert Laskowski, MD, MBA
Principal, Laskowski Healthcare Innovation Advisors; Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Christiana Care Health System, Oak Bluffs, MA
Speaker Bio
Nationally recognized as a leader in health care transformation, Robert J. Laskowski, M.D., MBA, has piloted a growth course as a trusted and valued community health care resource with a national reputation for quality, safety and innovation.
He was President and Chief Executive Officer of Christiana Care Health System from 2003 – 2014.
Dr. Laskowski serves on the board of directors of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and on its finance and executive compensation committees. He serves on the American Medical Association Section on Medical Schools, and is a former member of the American Hospital Association Section for Health Care Systems Governing Council and the Health Management Academy Chief Executive Officers Forum.
Brian Silverstein
President, HC Wisdom, Glencoe, IL
Speaker Bio
Dr. Brian Silverstein is a national healthcare thought leader with extensive consulting and operational expertise in the business of health care including a focus on population health management. Dr. Silverstein has dedicated his 20 years of health care experience on creating a positive impact on patient care and provider satisfaction thought business strategy and operations. In recognition of his contributions to the industry, Dr. Silverstein was named was named one of the "10 people to know in the World of ACOs" in 2010.
Dr. Silverstein has population health operational experience as a former senior vice president at CareFirst BlueCross Blue Shield. Dr. Silverstein's consulting career included roles as a Managing Director of the Geisinger Consulting Group (and as a Executive Product Strategist for xG Health Solutions), a senior vice president and The Chicago Office leader for the Camden Group (a division of HealthCare Partners), a vice president and national thought leader for Sg2 Health Care Intelligence and as a consultant for ZS Associates.
Dr. Silverstein holds appointments as a faculty member for The American College of Physician Executives, The Governance Institute and the Thomas Jefferson School of Public Health QSLS.
Warren H. Skea, PhD
Principal, Pwc, Dallas, TX
Speaker Bio
Warren is a Principal in PricewaterhouseCoopers' Healthcare Strategy and Deals practice with more than 17 years of industry wide healthcare experience. His background as a hospital administrator at an integrated health system has contributed to his expertise in the topics of physician alignment strategies, quality and performance improvement, and reimbursement methodologies. He is an extensively published researcher on the topics of emerging population health models such as Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) - including a chapter on governance models in the Dartmouth-Brookings National ACO Toolkit.. He has worked with several clients on their strategy, development and implementation of CMS Pioneer and MSSP Pilot sites programs as well as their commercial risk bearing contracts.
Prior to joining PwC, Warren was the National Director of Performance and Quality Improvement Initiatives for the American Heart Association Corporate headquarters. Warren received his Ph.D. in health policy and quantitative.
David B. Nash, MD, MBA, FACP
Dean, Jefferson School of Population Health, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA (Moderator)
Speaker Bio
David B. Nash, MD, MBA is the Founding Dean of the Jefferson School of Population Health where he is the Dr. Raymond C. and Doris N. Grandon Professor of Health Policy. He is a board certified internist and is internationally recognized for his work in outcomes management, medical staff development and quality-of-care. He has authored more than 100 articles in major journals, edited 22 books, and is editor-in-chief of four major national journals.
12:00 p.m. |
Adjournment of Population Health Colloquium
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
(Registration optional)
12:00 p.m. |
Post Conference Luncheon (For Post Conference Attendees Only)
This interactive and unique workshop teaches the powerful skill of public narrative, a leadership technique which involves sharing anecdotes from ones leadership experience to highlight one's personal values. Those values, presented as lived experiences as opposed to abstract principles, can ultimately form the foundation of new connections between team members. In addition, the public act of sharing those leadership choices helps invite other team members to follow suit and step up into leadership roles.
Drawing on experience utilizing public narrative within the domains of primary care advocacy and innovation in care delivery, this workshop will help participants first understand the essential components of compelling public narrative, and subsequently develop their own public narrative as well as pearls for coaching others.
- Understand the role and importance of public narrative to build strong interdependent teams of diverse health professionals, whether those teams are focused on advocating for primary care or delivering high value clinical care to patients and populations.
- Develop and share a meaningful public narrative structured around unique "choice points" from one's personal leadership experience.
- Learn the pearls of coaching others in developing their own public narratives.
1:00 p.m.
A Critical Leadership Tool for Building Teams
Lauren Hardin
Director Complex Care, Mercy Health, Grand Rapids, MI
Andrew Morris-Singer, MD
President and Founder, Primary Care Progress, Cambridge, MA
Speaker Bio
Dr. Morris-Singer, board certified in internal medicine, is President and Founder of Primary Care Progress (PCP), a clinician, a medical educator and primary care advocate. He founded PCP in 2010 and it has quickly developed into an inter-professional, trainee-led, grassroots movement to reform primary care delivery and training. The organization has provided advocacy training and coaching to leaders of 43 chapters across the country, all based at health professions training schools, and has campaigned widely for greater awareness of the value of primary care.
A former community organizer and trainer with more than 15 years of advocacy experience, Dr. Morris-Singer writes and speaks regularly on the topics of the value of primary care, the use of community organizing strategies to advance innovations in care delivery and training and the critical role of trainees in the revitalization of primary care.
Presentation Material (Acrobat)
2:30 p.m. |
2:45 p.m. |
Group Workshops
4:00 p.m. |
Group Report Out and Discussion
5:00 p.m. |
Go to Agenda:
Sunday Night Telehealth Program | Preconferences / Day 1 | Day 2 | Camden Coalition Postconference
