The disease management enterprise is emerging as one of the major initiatives to make America's healthcare system more efficient and cost effective and to enhance healthcare quality and reduce medical errors. Disease management is proliferating in both the private and public sectors. With new authority from recent legislation, Medicare has become an important new player in actively supporting pilot and demonstration projects dealing with the management of chronic diseases.
Disease management efforts are nested throughout the health system at the employer and plan level, within healthcare providers and in freestanding disease management enterprises. The Disease Management Colloquium presents case studies of disease management efforts in a variety of settings. The Colloquium explores the role of disease management as it affects Medicare, Medicaid, the commercially insured, and the under- and uninsured; the role of evidence- based medicine; the use of incentives for physicians and consumers; new tools and techniques; innovations by health plans and disease management companies; and key legislative and policy issues affecting the future of disease management.
The Colloquium seeks to better educate government agencies, the health care industry (including health plans and providers), employers, and the general public about the important role disease management programs play in improving health care quality and outcomes for persons subject to chronic conditions.
Who Should Attend:
- Presidents/CEOs/CFOs/COOs
- Medical Directors
- Medicare Directors
- Medicaid Directors
- Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device Manufacturers
- Managed Care Pharmacy Directors, Pharmacy Managers and Retail Pharmacists
- Chain Pharmacists, Community and Independent Pharmacists
- Directors and Deputy Directors, State Departments of Public Health
- CIOs, CTOs, Vice Presidents and Directors of Information Systems
- Directors of Programs in Asthma, Cardiovascular, Oncology, Pain, Behavioral Health, Women's Health, and Alternative Medicine
- Vice Presidents, Quality
- Vice Presidents, Managed Care
- Directors, Disease Management
- Physicians
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Alternative Medicine Providers
- Pharmacy Managers
- Retail Pharmacists
- Chain Pharmacists
- Community/Independent Pharmacists
Program Objectives:
- To provide an update of the disease management enterprise in the United States and internationally
- To explore disease management initiatives being implemented in the Medicare and Medicaid Programs
- To assess how to achieve and measure return on investment (ROI) from disease management initiatives
- To describe Pay for Performance and other financial incentives in disease management programs
- To explain current quality improvement initiatives and their impact on disease management
- To analyze the role of health information technology in implementing disease management programs, for both consumers and providers
- To present strategies for providing disease management programs in the workplace
- To address the issue of managing multiple chronic conditions with disease management programs
- To share best practices case studies presented by leading disease management organizations
- To provide a forum for discussing emerging care models for disease management
- To create a vision for the role of employers, health plans, providers, disease management enterprises and patients in implementing successful disease management programs
