Disease Management Responds to the IOM's
Challenge to Enhance Healthcare Quality, Integrates into Medicare and Medicaid, and Proliferates in the Private Sector
May 11 - 13, 2003
Baltimore Waterfront Marriott
Baltimore, MD
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Disease Management News
Disease Management Purchasing Consortium
Harvard Health Policy Review
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Health Policy, Politics and Law
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Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management
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Keynote Speakers:
Molly Joel Coye, MD, MPH
Founder and President, Health Technology Center, Former Director, California Department of Health Services, Former New Jersey Commissioner of Health, San Francisco, CA
John Iglehart
Founding Editor, Health Affairs, Washington, DC
Robert Kolock, MD
Medical Director, Health Management Corporation (HMC), Richmond, VA
David Kreiss
Special Assistant, Office of the Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Washington, DC
Peter Lee, Esq.
President, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA
Harlan Levine, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Care Management, United Health Group, Long Beach, CA
Al Lewis
Executive Director, Disease Management Purchasing Consortium, & Advisory Council LLC, Past President, Disease Management Association of America, Wellesley, MA
Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH
National Healthcare Thought Leader, Mercer Human Resource Consulting and Medical Director, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA
David B. Nash, MD, MBA, FACP
Dr. Raymond C. and Doris N. Grandon Professor of Health Policy and Medicine, Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Samuel R. Nussbaum, MD
Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, President-Elect, Disease Management Association of America, Indianapolis, IN
Robert Stone
Executive Vice President, American Healthways, President, Disease Management Association of America, Nashville, TN
Featured Faculty:
Geoffrey B. Baker
President, Med-Vantage, San Francisco, CA
Richard J. Baron, MD
President and CEO of Healthier Babies, Healthier Futures, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
Phil V. Beauchene, RN, MHA
Executive Director, Mind My Heart Medicare, Demonstration Project, Washington, DC
Bruce A. Boissonnault
President, Niagara Health Quality Coalition, Buffalo, NY
Rick Botelho, MD
Professor of Family Medicine and Nursing, Director of Fellowship Training, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Becky J. Cherney
President/CEO, Central Florida Health Care Coalition, Chairman, National Business Coalition on Health, Orlando, FL
Geoff Clapp
Chief Operating Officer/Chief Technical Officer, Health Hero, Mountain View, CA
Sally J. Duran
Senior Vice President, Mid-Atlantic Medical Services, Inc., Rockville, MD
Steve Eisenberg, MD
Medical Director, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Lynn Etheredge
Consultant, Health Insurance Reform Project, George Washington University, Chevy Chase, MD
Lisa Feingold
Director of Quality Evaluation, Neighborhood Health Plan, Boston, MA
Norbert Goldfield, MD
Medical Director, 3M Health Information Systems, Wallingford, CT
Liza Greenberg, RN, MPH
Vice President of Research and Quality Initiatives, URAC, Former Director of Medical Affairs, American Association of Health Plans, Washington, DC
John Haughton, MD
Chief Medical Officer, RiskSmart Solutions, DxCG, Inc., Boston, MA
James M. Jacobson, Esq.
Partner, Holland and Knight, LLP, General Counsel, Disease Management Association of America, Boston, MA
Paul Keckley, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow, Vanderbilt Center for Better Health, Founder, and Senior Advisor, EBM Solutions, Nashville, TN
Michael Kelleher, MD
Medical Director for QM and DM Programs, Fallon Community Health Plan, Worcester, MA
Vince Kuraitis
Principal, Better Health Technologies, Boise, ID
Darryl L. Landis, MD, MBA
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, CorSolutions Medical, Inc., Buffalo Grove, IL
Lance Lang, MD
Vice President & Senior Medical Director, Quality Improvement & Clinical Informatics, Health Net, California, Oakland, CA
Lisa M. Latts, MD, MSPH
Regional Medical Director, Anthem West, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Denver, CO
Frederick C. Lee, MHA
Vice Chairman, Quality Oncology, A Matria Company, McLean, VA
Joseph A. Leutzinger, Ph.D.
Senior Consultant, WELCOA, Former Director, Health Promotion Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha, NE
Frank A. Martin
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, I-trax Health Management Solutions, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
Glen P. Mays, PhD., MPH
Mathematica Policy Research and Center for Studying Health System Change, Washington, DC
Julie A. Meek, DNS
Founder & CEO, The Haelan Group, Indianapolis, IN
Robert Mosby
Vice President, Development & Strategy, QMed, Inc. , Eatontown, NJ
David K. Nace, MD
Senior Vice President and Corporate Medical Director, United Behavioral Health, Philadelphia, PA
John Pilotte
Project Director
Medicare Coordinated Care Demonstration, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Baltimore, MD
James O. Prochaska, PhD
Director, Cancer Prevention Research Center, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
James L. Rosenzweig, MD
Director, Office for Disease Management, Associate Chief of Adult Diabetes, Joslin Diabetes Center, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Christobel Selecky
Chief Executive Officer
Lifemasters Supported, SelfCare, Inc.
Irvine, CA
Jeffrey Simms, MSPH
Assistant Director, NC Division of Medical Assistance
Department Of Health & Human Services
Raleigh, NC
David Tinkelman, MD
Vice President, Health Initiatives, National Jewish Medical & Research Center, Denver, CO
Tomas D. Valdivia, MD, MS
Chief Medical Officer, Definity Health, St. Louis Park, MN
Paul J. Wallace, MD
Executive Director, Kaiser Permanente Care, Management Institute, Oakland, CA
Ben Wheatley
Senior Manager, AcademyHealth, Washington, DC