Sunday, February 28, 2010
Optional, choose only one. Register for Preconference I through registration page; Preconferences II and III have separate registrations through the presenting organizations (see below for information).
11:00 a.m. |
Registration Commences
Overview: Whether for medical homes, disease management or employer-based clinics, outcomes report-writing and reportreading are skills which few have mastered. 14 years after the invention of care management outcomes reporting, roughly 70% of outcomes reports still contain fundamental errors invalidating their results...right in the reports themselves, requiring no extra confirming analysis to invalidate. Increasingly, though, people are finding these flaws in outcomes reporting using the Critical Outcomes Report Analysis (CORA) skills developed in these sessions to do so. Learning how to find these flaws is the agenda for this highly interactive case-based CORA seminar.
If you write these reports, it is critical to spot these errors before the customer does. If you read these reports, it is imperative to spot these errors before you accept the findings.
Attendees will also receive the key to deconstructing these cases, to apply to any other reports, as well as the tools needed to produce valid reconciliations. In addition, attendees will receive the DMPC White Paper on Care Management Outcomes Measurement.
The optional CORA certification examination is provided following this session, either on a practice basis or to achieve certification. Individual certification is valid for life and does not need renewal when one changes jobs. Corporate CORA certification allows the organization which produces outcomes reports to claim certification right in the report, thus adding immensely to their credibility.
1:00 p.m. |
Certification Training
Al Lewis
President, Disease Management Purchasing Consortium International, Inc., Founder and Past President, Disease Management Association of America, Wellesley, MA
3:00 p.m. |
3:30 p.m. |
Certification Examination (Optional)
5:30 p.m. |
This session will include the first three modules for the new Certificate in Performance Improvement offered by the National Institute for Quality Improvement and Education (NIQIE) and the Jefferson School of Population Health (JSPH). You may attend this session without being enrolled in the full Certificate program. There are additional requirements for those interested in pursuing the Certificate. For further information and to register, visit www.niqie.org. Fee: $249
Who Should Attend:
Professionals working in Quality Management, CME, and healthcare professional assessment who are striving to integrate quality improvement, continuing education and assessment to improve healthcare delivery and patient care.
1:00 p.m. |
Preconference Commences
Introduction to Healthcare Quality Improvement
David B. Nash, MD, MBA
Dean, Jefferson School of Population Health
A pragmatic approach to healthcare quality improvement tools and processes, with applications in practice. (For those without formal training in quality improvement or who wish a refresher.)
Measurement and Assessment of Healthcare Professionals
Robert Galbraith, MD, MBA
Executive Director, Center for Innovation, National Board of Medical Examiners
An overview of measurement and assessment methods, outcomes and integration of measurement and assessment into practice.
Introduction to Continuous Performance Improvement
Nancy Davis, PhD
Executive Director, National Institute for Quality Improvement and Education
A review of the new skill sets and infrastructures necessary to creating a culture of continuous performance improvement in healthcare.
Optional Introduction to Certificate Program
Participants are invited to learn more about the NIQIE/JSPH Certificate in Continuous Performance Improvement in Healthcare including eligibility, course and activity requirements and schedules.
5:30 p.m. |
Special Certification Preconference and CCP Online Training Program and Examination
Please register directly with HealthSciences Institute for this session. The CCP program is offered at a 25% discounted fee of $971.25 which includes the CCP boot camp, 40-hour web-based program, manual, examination, certification, and continuing education credit for nurses, physicians and pharmacists. For more information, and to register, visit: www.healthsciences.org/events.
1:00 p.m. |
Chronic Care Professional (CCP) Certification Training
Topics Covered:
- Health care performance improvement strategies and solutions
- Models and foundations of population health improvement (wellness, disease management, and case management)
- Chronic diseases and age-related conditions overview and evidence-based guidelines update
- Application of the WISE model of patient self-management support
- New strategies for building professional-consumer partnerships
- Applications of behavioral medicine and health psychology to disease self-management, medication adherence, and health support
- Management of co-morbid physical and psychological issues
- Health behavior change models, applications, and interventions
- Foundations of health promotion and health coaching
Overview: Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) agree that preventing and improving care for patients with chronic conditions requires a new interdisciplinary practice model for which few health care professionals are adequately prepared. Grounded in the WHO and IOM interdisciplinary competency models for a 21st century health care workforce, Chronic Care Professional (CCP) certification is the only nationally recognized program for nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and other professionals, working in health system and primary care medical home teams, health disease and case management teams, and regional chronic care collaboratives. The award-winning CCP program is offered with DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance.
5:00 a.m. |