Population Health Colloquium
Population Health Colloquium
Population Health Colloquium
Population Health Colloquium
Population Health Colloquium
Population Health Colloquium

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2014 Preconference Readings are posted in the list below. To access the 2013 preconference readings, click here.

  1. The Field Clinic Blog
  2. Can Accountable Care Organizations Improve Population Health? Should They Try?
    Douglas J. Noble, MD, MPH and Lawrence P. Casalino, MD, PhD, JAMA, March 20, 2013 -- Vol 309, No. 11
    http://www.populationhealthcolloquium.com/readings/Can Accountable Care Organizations Improve Population Health.pdf

  3. After the False Start -- What Can We Expect from the New Health Insurance Marketplaces?
    Jon Kingsdale, Ph.D., New England Journal of Medicine, January 2014
    http://www.populationhealthcolloquium.com/readings/After The False Start_NEJM_30JAN14.pdf

  4. Beyond ACOs and Bundled Payments Medicare's Shift Toward Accountability in Fee-for-Service
    Christopher Chen, BA and D. Clay Ackerly, MD, MSc, JAMA February 19, 2014 Volume 311, Number 7
    http://www.populationhealthcolloquium.com/readings/Beyond ACOs and Bundled Payments.pdf

  5. Mother of Invention: How the Government Created "Free Market" Health Care
    Robert I. Field, Oxford University Press, 2014
    http://www.populationhealthcolloquium.com/readings/Mother of Invention Preface.pdf

  6. Academic Health Centers and the Evolution of the Health Care System
    A. Eugene Washington, MD, MSc, et al JAMA November 13, 2013 Volume 310, Number 18
    http://www.populationhealthcolloquium.com/readings/AHCs and the Evolution of the Health Care System.pdf

  7. Impact of the Prevention Plan on Employee Health Risk Reduction
    Ronald Loeppke, MD, MPH et al Population Health Management 2010, Volume 13, Number 5
    http://www.populationhealthcolloquium.com/readings/Impact of the Prevention Plan.pdf

  8. The Association of Technology in a Workplace Wellness Program With Health Risk Factor Reduction
    Ron Loeppke, MD, MPH et al JOEM March 2013, Volume 55, Number 3
    http://www.populationhealthcolloquium.com/readings/Association_of_Technology_with Health Risk Reductions in_a_Workplace Wellness Program.pdf

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